Friday, September 27, 2013

Waiting For My Second Line 

When the Parade has passed
and the cheers fade,
when the party ends
on promises made,
then I'll come along,
then I'll dance. 

I lie in the dark and they come,
always the same echoes,
the same strains ~  

No matter where or when I rest,
from the cradle right on through
my darkened fevered childhood
on through nights alone or in
a swept togetherness off and on,
in hospitals and at home,
always always every night
I hear it ~ 

Like you hear music through thin walls
or from way down the street,
or across waters calm and dark,
always muted just beyond earshot
just beyond reality,
wafting within the darkness swirling,
kissing my ears maddeningly close yet
just not there;
always always every night
I hear the music ~ 

I thought it was a haunting,
following me,
no matter where I slept ~ 

The darkness brought it to my edge,
the soft sad strains of a sinking ship's band
merging into and with jaunty unknown melodies
like an enveloping wave takes your sanity,
from weeping violins to some honky-tonk sound
or hurdy-gurdy never heard
in my wakened world,
with background chattering and clattering
far away,
this darkened party of ghosts;
always always every night
I hear them ~ 

Confusion reigns in darkness;
why and wherefrom,
if not haunted ~ 

Each night I strain to hear some full detail,
a note, a word, a chord alone;
only the distant brass clamoring
and sweet melodies floating
and fading further away,
just beyond the night,
but now
I know who they are ~

I know them all,
those who wait for me,
who will dance and sing
when I arrive,
they wait for me,
to celebrate me;
they play for me every night
my beloved band of ghosts ~ 

always I am hearing them,
and I am waiting
for my Second Line.


27 September 2013

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